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Digital Ownership and Copyright

Who owns content online?




AGE 09


30 MIN


Students will be able to:

  • Recognise the basic principles of digital copyright and ownership

  • Articulate the importance of respecting ownership of digital content and create examples of appropriate use.


This lesson plan by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Teacher's Guide

Overview for Teachers

This lesson educates students on digital ownership and copyright, emphasising the importance of respecting others' creations online.

Slide 1

Welcome students to the lesson and briefly explain that today’s lesson is about the ownership and usage of online content. 

Slide 2

Share the lesson objectives of what students will be learning today.

Slide 3

Start a class discussion with the question, "What does it mean to 'own' something online?". Encourage students to think beyond photos and videos - for example, special characters or pets in an online game.

Slide 4

Explain the concept of ownership, including digital content like photos, videos, and stories.

Slide 5

Introduce copyright as a legal term that protects creators' rights over their original works.

Slide 6

Present this scenario where a student's artwork is used without permission, asking, "Who does the artwork belong to now?"

Slide 7

Discuss the copyright of digital content created by the students and the importance of not claiming others' work as their own.

Slide 8

Explain that the person who creates the digital content (such as a photo or video) is the one who owns the content, therefore owning the copyright. They are then free to give people permission to use their original work. 

Note for teachers: It is not necessary to teach students of this age group the complexities of copyright law. Instead, it should serve as an introduction to understand ownership and permissions in relation to digital media.

Slide 9

Explain that copying other people’s work is not allowed, even if it is freely available to view online. Highlight examples of what not to do with others' work without permission, including uploading videos, posting artwork, and using text as one's own.

Slide 10

Stress the need to ask for permission to use someone else's digital content and how to properly credit sources.

Slide 11

Introduce this role playing activity to learn more about ownership. 

Slide 12

Call for five student volunteers who will read the parts of Casey, Morgan, Enzo, Mr. Jordan, and the Narrator. 

Slide 13-16

Have students read out the story of The Invisible Author. 

Slide 17

This question encourages students to consider the value of consent and the respect due to creators regarding how and when their work is shared.

Slide 18

This prompts students to empathise with the creator of the work and understand the impact of not giving credit on personal relationships.

Slide 19

This question asks students to think about responsibility, accountability, and practical steps towards rectifying a mistake, as well as establishing norms for acknowledging creative ownership.

Slide 20

Recap the lesson, emphasising key points about copyright and the need for honesty in using digital content.

Slide 21

Remind students of the importance of respecting digital content ownership, ensuring they understand the value of asking for permission and giving proper credit.

Slide 22

Congratulate the students for their thoughtful participation and remind them to be respectful, digital citizens.


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